Clearsye Table Water is extracted from underground water source following the determination of a safe water table after adequate soil analysis. The extraction is followed by state of the art water purification process to remove all unnecessary underground contamination, leading to pure and clean table water suitable for human healthy consumption - a refreshing pure water for healthy living.

Available in 500ml / 750ml / 1 Litre / 1.5 Litre / 22.5 Litre

Clearsye Table Water has both natural salts and vitamins in the required balanced proportion as recommended by World Health Organization (WHO). Body water composition is around 60% for adults and 78% for infants. This indicates that regular hydration is necessary to keep body fluid, cells, tissues and organs in good working conditions. For this purpose, it is recommended to always drink Clearsye Table Water to maintain body required cells turgidity. It is refreshing pure water for healthy living.

Clearsye Table Water is processed through media filtration system before finally being further purified using reverse osmosis system. The combination of these processes, ultra violet sterilization and bottling using state of the art automated equipment gives the Table Water the quality, purity and cleanliness to earn it's place as best recommended water for human consumption.

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